The correct selection of commercial explosives and use of effective drilling and blasting operations policy allow mining companies to regulate the impact degree on the environment. AZOTTECH achieves the required level of safety, health and environment, observing federal laws and standards in the field of environmental protection.
MEMU and other specialized equipment developed by AZOTTECH meet our corporate policy of environmental consciousness. The control over the technical support of vehicles is poor in our country, which inevitably leads to the decrease in wear strength, the cost increase in vehicles repairs and the formation of waste that has a negative impact on the environment.
Our company specialists believe that the technical condition of machines and equipment fleet, used in drilling and blasting, directly affects the degree of negative impact on the environment.
Azottech reсognizes the full responsibility of our business to society and state, not only in a role of a taxpayer and an employer, but also strives to participate in the development of important social initiatives and our presence areas globally in order to improve the quality of life.
In the ordinary course of business, AZOTTECH uses potentially hazardous explosives, which requires strict compliance with industrial safety regulations.
Within the framework of the general company management system, there is a strict compliance control with industrial safety regulations. We strive to minimize the risk of violations in the organization and standard operating procedures, which can lead to the unplanned production shutdown or mining operations and, as a result, to economic losses and environmental damage.
It is the presence of a tight-knit team consisting of qualified and devoted specialists that allowed us to create and maintain at a high level a center of competence in Azottech conventional\new activities.
We strive to ensure that, regardless of age, talented specialists work with us, and are ready (based on the interviews results) to provide the opportunity to graduates of universities for internships in specialized areas, and to ensure further training and assistance in professional and career growth.
Azottech appreciates creative employees and overachievers, who are constantly striving for collecting and developing professional wealth of knowledge and searching for innovative ideas!